From getting kicked out by Disney to paving his own path to success as a Thought Leader and best-selling author, Scott Miller, EVP of Thought Leadership at Franklin Covey, is no stranger to failure. But his “I get to” attitude, the spirit of gratitude, and humility helped him overcome challenges and setbacks. In a realistic and heartfelt conversation, we’ll learn about how to become better-thought leaders in today’s world.
You’ll meet Scott Miller, Senior Advisor on Thought Leadership for FranklinCovey. He’s super fascinating. I promise you will learn so much from his interview! When I finished the chat I felt so inspired and my desk was filled with a rainbow of post-its that I didn’t want to forget from Scott.
We hope you enjoy this week’s edition, and as always, stay tuned for more! Comment below with something that you’re working on, your pet’s name, your birthday, whatever suits your fancy so I can learn what’s on your mind.